b'CAST IRON PANELSForms continuous pattern. Turn page upside down for different view.Two castingCATALOGillustration30-3/4 H x 8-1/4 W 17 W x 24 H 7 lbs. 17.5 lbs ITEM#ITEM# CI88 CI691Wheel Center Accents Muted with Flowing Tulip and Bud Designs14WRadial flange on top is 36 end to 29-3/4 H (tip to tip)end x 1 W x 3/8 thick.28-1/2 (top bar to bottom bar)Bottom flange is12 lbs34-1/2 W x 1/2 thick.Vertical height through center ofwheel is 12-3/4".Overall: 12-3/4 H x 34-1/2 W22 lbs. ITEM#CI9414Radial flange on top is 24-1/2 endto end x 1 W x 1/2 thickBottom flange is 24-1/2 W x 3/8thick. Vertical height throughcenter of wheel is 121/4. Overall: 12-1/4 H x 24-1/2 W17.5 lbs. Two casting illustration ITEM#ITEM# CI9314CI8504www.sss-steel.com 219'