b'INDEXHasp 18-19 Tamper-Resistant Screws.55Hook Lock29 Tek Screw54GENERAL INDEX Industrial Hinge 7 Top Mount Cantilever49-51J-Bolts .2Gate Hardware.Latches 20-23 V-Groove Tracks & Wheels .42-43 Ornamental Walk Gates311 Lag Screw 55 Wedge Anchors56GATE OPERATORS Pressed Point Curved Top Lockboxes.25 Weldable Lock Boxes .25& ACCESS CONTROLPanels 310 Mechanical KeypadWindow Guard Locks & PRODUCTSPressed Spear Panels.310Locks .30-34Releases.29Mortise Locks 29Wire Fence Products.298-299 Wood Gate Hinges .5Bollards .330 Multi-Purpose Casters.41 U-Edging .72Magnetic Gate Locks .329 Padlocks .40Exit Buttons328 GATE & DOORPanic Bars.39Exit Probes326 HARDWARE Panic Shield Kits 38 ORNAMENTAL METAL & Falcon Lock.330 Perforated Metal Sheets276 STAINLESS STEEL Fire Dept Entry Devices.330 RAILINGKeypads328 All-Thread Rod 55Loop Detectors.327 NON-GALVANIZEDPedestals & Stands 328 Barn Door Hardware Kits (Interior)Welded Wire Mesh Panels Aluminum Handrail & Photo Eyes326 52-53 Naturally Takes on the Popular Rust FinishAccessories81Slide Gate Operators324-325 Barrel Hinges 2, 4, 7 when Exposed to the Elements Aluminum Newell Post Solar Panels327 Bat Wing Hinges4 Page 299Ball Top81 CATALOG 29Swing Gate Operators320-323 Bolt-On Ornamental SwingAluminum Rings 99 Gate Locks.30-31 Aluminum Spear Points81Timer 327 Bottom Mount CantileverBrass Finials & Tops.92Transformers .329Gate System50-51 Cast IronWire.327 Butt Hinges6 Bases 95-96Cane Bolts24 Bushings93-94FENCE PANELS, GATES &Cantilever Gate Rollers 44, 49-51 Finials83-87, 92INSTALLATIONCast Iron Newel Post Caps60 Post Caps 88HARDWARE Concrete Anchors56 Rosettes91Concrete Stair Parts70 Shoes95-96Design Master Panels 300-305 Continuous Hinges.10 Stars .98Perforated Metal Screen .298 D&D Magnetic Gate Latches22-23 Tops92Rackable Steel FenceDead Bolts &Cover Plates.97 Brackets & Accessories 312-313 Door Knobs26-27 Pipe & Railing FittingsCurtain Rings.98 Extended Top/ Extended(i.e. elbows & caps).65 Decorative Rings .99Bottom Panels .315D-Rings & Handles17 Plasma Cut Letters &Fence Posts 312 Electric Strikes28 Designs68-69 Standard Duty Expanding Gates.57 Plastic Square Post Caps60 Flat-Top/Extended BottomGate & Door Closers 14-16 Plastic Tubing Plugs.61 Sliding Door TrackPanels 314 Gate Arches68 Powder-Coated Latches.21 Flat-Top/Flat BottomGate Stop .45 Pre-Punched Rollformed Panels.316 Guide Rollers.45 Channel.66 Red Ornamental WalkGates .318-319 Handrail Brackets.62-63 Pre-Punched Structural BarPressed Curve-Top/Extended Channel .67 PrimedBottom Panels317 Pressed Spear-Top/ExtendedMasonry Column Hinge Self-Closing Hinges12-14 SteelBottom Panels .317 Page 51 Sleeve Anchors 56 Puppy Panels (Flat-Top/ Slide Bolts & Hasps.18-19Extended Bottom .316 Sliding Door Hardware 46-475Welded Steel Fencing Specialty Hinges8-9Spring-Loaded Latches.19 Extended Picket Panels 308Stamped Steel Post Caps .60 Track19.6Fence Brackets &Steel Pipe Flanges64 LengthAccessories.312-313 Steel Stair Steps.71 Page47Fence Posts .312 Steel Tabs & Base Plates 58-59Flat-Top/Flat Bottom Panels 309www.sss-steel.com 333'