b'PRPAE-GPEU HNECAHDEEDR ROLLFORMED CHANNELPre-Punched Pre-PunchedRollformed ChannelRollformed Channel Stocked in 20 lengthsEvery hole exactly on centerEconomically Great for window guards and fencesPriced NEW automated punching techniqueAvailableProvide extra security for doors, Punched orwindow guards and fencingUnpunched!1/81 thick 1 Rollformed ChannelSquare Hole 1" x 1/2" x 1/8"Rollformed Channel 1/2 1 x 1/2 x 1/8ITEM #CHANNELHOLEFITSOPENON 20 ft. lengthSIZESIZEPICKETAREACENTERPBCR10041" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square3-1/2"4"PBCR1004121" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square4"4-1/2"CATALOGPBCR10051" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square4-1/2"5"PBCR10061" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square5-1/2"6"11/21/8thick 1-1/2 Rollformed ChannelSquare Hole 1-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"Rollformed Channel 1/2 1-1/2 x 1/2 x 1/8ITEM #CHANNELHOLEFITSOPENON 20 ft. lengthSIZESIZEPICKETAREACENTERPBCR11204121-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square3-1/2"4"PBCR11205121-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square4-1/2"5"PBCR11206121-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"9/16"1/2" Square5-1/2"6"PBCR11204341-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square3-1/4"4"PBCR11205341-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square4-1/4"5"PBCR11206341-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square5-1/4"6" 2 Rollformed Channel1/8 2 x 1 x 1/82 thick 20 ft. lengthSquare Hole 2" x 1" x 1/8"Rollformed Channel 1 Unpunched ITEM #CHANNELHOLEFITSOPENONSIZESIZEPICKETAREACENTER Rollformed ChannelPBCR2118434 2" x 1" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square3-1/4"4" Used for flush top or bottomPBCR21185342" x 1" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square4-1/4"5" 20 foot lengthPBCR21186342" x 1" x 1/8"13/16"3/4" Square5-1/4"6"Fabrication Ease: Slide pick- ITEM # CHANNEL SIZEets through the punched holes and tack-weld. Attach to postsPBCR10001" x 1/2" x 1/8"and your fence is built. PBCR11200001-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8"PBCR20002" x 1" x 1/8"68 www.sss-steel.com'