b'PANGICESHHEIAEDLDE RKITSPAEasily Convert Gates into Panic Exits where Free Egress is NecessaryPS11 - Safety Kit Pre-DrilledEasily convert gates into secure panicKit Includes One of Each:exits with free egress Key boxNo delay in exiting Keyed cylinderEdge shield moves bar closer to strike Strike bracket (silver)Keyed access from outside of gate 24" Lockey panic shield (silver)33" Lockey grade 1 panic bar (silver)ITEM #DESCRIPTION FINISHMCLLPSSAF Safety KitSilverPS11 - Security Kit Pre-DrilledMAX-Guard cover plate providesKit Includes One of Each:extra securityStrike Bracket (Silver)Easily convert gates into secureKeyless Lockpanic exits with free egress24 Lockey Panic Shield (Silver)No delay in exiting 33 Lockey Grade 1 Panic Bar (Silver)Lockbox (gate box)CATALOGMAX-Guard cover plateITEM #DESCRIPTION FINISHMCLLPSSEC Security Kit w/MAX-Guard Cover PlateSilverPSDX - Safety Kit Pre-Drilledwith DETEX Shield and BarKit Includes One of Each:Easily convert gates into secureKey boxpanic exits with free egressKeyed cylinderNo delay in exiting Strike bracket (black)Kit provides everything needed24" DETEX Panic shield (black)for your gate security 36" DETEX V-40 Grade 1 panic bar (black)ITEM #DESCRIPTION FINISHMCLLPSSK Safety Kit with DETEX Shield / Bar BlackSimplex Mechanical Entry Lever for Exit DeviceCompatible with Above Panic ShieldsFixed ADA-Compliant lever Easy Programming -1/2 throw latchA single access-code is programmedSatin 2-3/4 backset Chrome Heavy-duty cast front housing using keypad and without removingFinishHeavy-duty mounting plate lock from doorDoor width; 1-3/8" to 2-3/4" ITEM # DESCRIPTIONVandal resistant MCLULP1010LLeft Hand HandleMCLULP1010RRight Hand Handle40 www.sss-steel.com'