b'MEASURING AND MARKING SUPPLIESSoapstone HoldersMeasure Mark Measuring WheelRound or FlatComplete with soapstone andaccepts soapstone listed above. 10 diameterAll metal construction single aluminum wheelITEM#DESCRIPTION 9,999 feet measuring WSSHFor Flat Soapstone capacityWSSHRFor Round Soapstone Displays measurementin feet and inchesSoapstone#1 select grade Marking CrayonsExcellent for non-permanentmetal marking For use on oily, wet, slick or CATALOGAvailable in 144 piece bulk packed dry surfaces.boxes and convenient 4 packs (flat). Ideal for lumber, metal & concreteITEM#STYLEPACKAGE Sold in packs of two crayons ITEM#WSSSRRound144 Bulk ITEM#COLOR HTMW3WSSSFFlat144 Bulk HT666012RedWSSSCFlat4-Pack with Holder HT666062YellowIrwin Strait-LineAervoe Spray Paint MarkersReel and Chalk Marking ChalkNot permanentSafe on all surfaces Valve action allows you to writewith paintFor permanent metal markingFast, easy push button line releaseSupplied with a 4 ounce bottle of blue chalkLocking handle allows tool to beITEM#COLORused as a plumb bob WSPMOROrangeITEM#DESCRIPTIONWSPMRRedITEM #DESCRIPTION HT215WSPMWWhiteWhite ChalkHT200Reel and Chalk HT218WSPMYYellowYellow Chalkwww.sss-steel.com 253'