b'METALWORKING AND MISC. SUPPLIESGOJO Scrubbing Wipes Blacksmith\'s Dual textured:Hammer Woodenscrubbing side removes toughHandle Wiresoils, smooth side32 oz. head14 length Hand Brushesabsorbs dirtDrop-forged, ITEM#STYLEITEM#DESCRIPTION tempered face andWSHS26Short HandleHT639606GoJo 72 Ct. Wipes cross peen WSHB29Long HandleLarge face and sideGOJObevel minimizechipping 3 Piece NaturalFine hickoryOrangehandle Tooth PumiceITEM# Brush Wire HandHT151374Brush SetIncludes oneCATALOGCleaner stainless steel wire, Natural citrus one brass wire and ingredient 14 Half Roundone black plastic Quick-acting lotionbristle brush.formula with pumice scrubbingBastard Fileparticles ITEM#ITEM#DESCRIPTION Great for quick removal WSHS3TBHT309998 GoJo - 1Gallon of tubing burrs Rounded on one side.GOJONatural * Flat on the other. Duct Orange Pumice ITEM# TapeHand Cleaner HTWSHRB14 2" x 60 yardsHalf gallon with pump Poly coated Quick-acting lotioncloth tape formula with is strong pumice scrubbingand tough for particles indoor/outdoor use. Use for sealing, Natural citrus patching and assembling.ingredients. Made ITEM#DESCRIPTIONin the USA. ITEM#DESCRIPTION Premium HT452" x 60 yd. Duct TapeHT095806GoJo - 1/2 Gallon Fiberglass MultiGOJO Creme HandHammerpurpose CleanerBiodegradable Permabond handleSteelCleans with or withoutto head construction Tie Wire water Cushion gripCreme formula for removing16 oz. grease, tar and oil.No harsh solvents. 3-1/2 lb rollITEM#DESCRIPTION ITEM# ITEM# DESCRIPTIONHT300080GoJo - 14 oz. Tub HT151328 MCTW31216 Gauge Tie Wirewww.sss-steel.com 255'