b'RACKABLE STEEL FENCING Black Pressed Spear Top/ 1 Rails,Extended Bottom 5/8 PicketsThree Rail PanelRACKABLEFully rackable to 4 ft. For Installation Onon 8 ft. run Flat Runs Or Inclines!Three 16 ga. galvanized and powder-3 RAIL NOTE CATALOGcoated 1-3/16 x 1 channel rails withITEM # APPROX. SIZEDIMENSIONSMATCHING GATE Not All Items pressed spear top/extended bottom. Stocked At5/8 18 ga. galvanized and powder- GANVSP34894 4\' x 8\' 46H x 90-1/2W GANVSP34848 All Locations.coated tubular steel pickets, 4-1/2 onGANVSP36094 5\' x 8\'58H x 90-1/2W GANVSP36048 Some Items center, 3-7/8 picket opening. GANVSP37294 6\' x 8\'70H x 90-1/2W GANVSP37248 May be Shipped to Store for Pickup. Black Pressed Spear Top1-1/2 Rails,Please Inquire.Extended Bottom3/4 PicketsThree Rail Panel For Installation OnFully rackable to 4 ft. on 8 ft. run Flat Runs Or Inclines!Three 14 ga. galvanized and powder-RACKABLEcoated 1-9/16 x 1-3/16 channel rails with3 RAILflat top/extended bottom.3/4 16 ga. galvanized and powder-ITEM # APPROX. SIZEDIMENSIONSMATCHING GATE coated tubular steel pickets, 4-5/8 onGANVCSP370906\'x8\' 70H x 90.5WGANVCSP37048center, 3-7/8 picket opening.GANVCSP394908\'x8\' 94H x 90.5W N/A Black Pressed Curved1-1/2 Rails, Top Extended Bottom3/4 PicketsThree Rail PanelFor Installation OnFlat Runs Or Inclines!Three 14 ga. galvanized and powder- coated 1-9/16 x 1-3/16 channel rails. RACKABLE 3 RAIL3/4 16 ga. galvanized & powder-coatedtubular steel pickets, 4-5/8 on center,ITEM # DIMENSIONS3-7/8 picket opening. GANVCCUR39490 94" H X 90.5 W www.sss-steel.com 319'